The Lights are out – Say Thank You

  As Christmas approaches we see a lot of lights starting to light up the neighborhood. I like seeing all these lights. The lights brighten up the normally dark streets.

  Historically, Jesus’s birth gave light to our dark world. So why not say Thank You to your neighbors for putting up their lights? All you need is a small piece of paper and write  a brief note like this:

     “Dear Neighbor,

         Thank you for brightening up our neighborhood with your lights. Please feel free to stop by my house at 123 American Dr. during this holiday season.

  Or you can invite them to your religious holiday service in your area.  Many people are open to attending a holiday service this time of year. IF you see the people outside, say hello, take a moment to talk and get to know your neighbors.

  This time of year we can offer each other a smile, a good word, a Thank You or even some light in their life. Why not share so our world becomes brighter.

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Has Our Country Forgotten to say THANK YOU?

  As a “weekend do-it yourselfer” I was at the local Home Depot the day after Halloween and was smacked in the face with push to sell the Christmas items as soon as I walked in the door.  The past few years this has really irritated me. 

  Is our society that blind to the fact that there is still a couple more holidays between Halloween and Christmas??  Has our society become so obsessed with pushing the sales for Christmas that we have forgotten to Give Thanks?

  We need to remember the two holidays before Christmas. Veterans Day, a day to thank those that gave their service, their life or a part of their body to protect this great country.  THANKSGIVING is a day for us to do just that – GIVE THANKS.  We need to realize that life is not jsut about the sales and how much profit we can get from “Black Friday sales”. We need to give thanks tfor havign the ability to be above ground and realize what life has to offers each and every one of us. 

Every day is a blessing, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not a gaurentee, so accept today for what it really is, THE PRESENT.  Give thanks not only today and everyday, but especially on Thanksgiving.

If I can help you or an organization you are part of, please feel free to contact me