Leave the 95%

Are you a 5% person?  Being a 5% requires discipline and action. 

Do you “eat an apple a day”?

Do you exercise regularly?

Do you get up early to take time for yourself?

Do you read books?

Do you have a library card?

Do you NOT look at your e-mails on your phone while on a date?

Do you interact with your kids during the week?

Do you complain?

Do you listen to positive/encouraging audios?

Do you save a portion of your money?

Do you give to a portion of your income/time to a charitable organization?

Do you watch more than 1 hour of TV a day?

Do you notice that all these items start with “Do”?

Are any of these actions hard to do? I don’t think so. We can make a big difference in our lives and the lives of others by having some simple disciplines and taking ACTION. These disciplines will separate you from 95% of the rest of our society.

How Can I Help You “Do”?
